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Puerto Rico Still in a Dire Situation. Honeyville Donates Thousands of Meals to Victims.

Light Up Puerto Rico, a start-up humanitarian group aimed at providing light and power to the people of Puerto Rico has raised nearly $300,000. However, weeks after Hurricane Maria destroyed much of the island; food and clean water are also major concerns. After seeing so many in need, Honeyville has donated 11,500 meals in a partnership with Light Up Puerto Rico.

Hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017, bringing with it severe rain and winds that had a devastating impact on the infrastructure of cities and towns. Most of Puerto Rico is still without power and the severely damaged infrastructure has made it very difficult to reach smaller communities, many that have been completely cutoff. Light Up Puerto Rico has partnered with Tifie, a humanitarian non-profit, to provide power and shelter for Puerto Ricans, yet the need for food and clean water remains. To help provide quick and easy access to food, Honeyville has donated 11,500 freeze-dried meals that will be shipped from their West Chester, OH facility to Miami, Florida, before being transported to Puerto Rico to be distributed.

Honeyville was connected with Light Up Puerto Rico by Collin Kartchner, an Instagram personality that has amassed a loyal following through his satirical videos and posts. Kartchner and Honeyville first teamed up to provide meals to families in Texas affected by Hurricane Harvey. Kartchner went on to raise more than $120,000 to support those affected by Harvey and has joined with Light Up Puerto Rico to help raise money and awareness for relief efforts in Puerto Rico as well. The 11,500 meals are from Honeyville’s Hearty line of emergency preparedness food and require nothing more than the addition of boiling water to prepare. Because of Light Up Puerto Rico and Tifie’s efforts boiling water is becoming easier, however, clean water remains a priority and further aid and support will certainly be needed.

“There are so many doing so much. We are grateful for the opportunity to help by providing food for some, but realize there are still huge concerns facing Puerto Ricans like rebuilding, restoring power, and of course clean water,” said Brenden Haueter, the Marketing Director at Honeyville. “We hope that others will also be able to offer aid in other much needed areas.”

The donated meals will be dispersed by Light Up Puerto Rico where volunteers are in place and currently working to provide aid. To learn more about Light Up Puerto Rico and how to get involved in the relief effort, visit: https://www.youcaring.com/familiesinpuertorico-960944.

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Brenden Haueter at 385.374.9401 or email at BrendenH@honeyville.com.

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